We may already be familiar with the login using a password or fingerprint. But how to login using face?
You’ve probably seen in films about the sophistication of technology in accessing computers, laptops or entry into a door with a face authentication? Face is scanned through a video camera and if the face was recognizable in the database then you will be able to access computers or go into the room they will be.
Now on Ubuntu Linux already come true. Requirements that must be filled is in your computer must have a video camera / webcam.
Follow the way of installation as follows:
I currently use Ubuntu 10:10 to targeted practice:
- Add the following repositories:
1sudo apt-add-repository ppa:antonio.chiurazzi/ppa - As always updates first:
1sudo apt-get update - Then install the application:
1sudo apt-get install pam-face-authentication - Edit this file:
1sudo gedit /etc/pam.d/gdm
add on the top line:
1auth sufficient pam_face_authentication.so enableX - Edit this file:
1sudo gedit /etc/pam.d/su
add on the top line:
1auth sufficient pam_face_authentication.so enableX - Then enter the menu Other > Qt Face Trainer to insert your face into a database for face recognition applications to recognize your face at the time of login.
- Log in menu System > Administration > Users and Groups
change password to Asked to login - Disable automatic login: System > Administration > Login Screen
select “Show the Screen for choosing Who Will log in.“
Then log off to see the results. Now each time you get into Ubuntu. Automatic face authentication screen will appear. if recognized face it will automatically go to Ubuntu desktop.