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Install Unity in Ubuntu 10.10

ubuntu maverick meerakatHow to install Unity in Ubuntu Maverick 10.10? because in Ubuntu 11.04 version, Ubuntu will use the desktop instead of Gnome desktop Unity Shell. One of the reasons why Ubuntu is moving to Unity, while Canonical participate in the development of Gnome Shell, they found that Ubuntu’s vision for the development of different interfaces with the Gnome desktop Shell. Therefore, Ubuntu decided to develop Unity. This unfortunate action by the Gnome community. But Mark Shuttleworth said that competition will increasingly fierce Linux distributions and therefore Ubuntu decides to appear “different”.

Although “different” Unity is still using the Gnome Desktop as its base. And Unity will continue to use Compiz as desktop effects, and this is exciting news for Compiz, since Gnome Shell no longer use but Mutter as Compiz desktop effects.

Unity Install Ubuntu 10:10

Then restart

Running Unity

When the GDM login and then click on our name on the bottom panel select the session of “Ubuntu Netbook Edition.”

Bug Unity

  1. Unity bug so far (up to December 6, 2010):
  2. Can not replace the right-click the wallpaper, e.g birds wallpapers
  3. Not able to add the applet in the top panel
  4. Not to get into nautilus (must pass the trash)
  5. And many more (there are at least 100 bugs)


In conclusion, the Gnome desktop 2 is still the most to provide comfort to users. Unity’m still far from satisfactory, even when compared by Gnome Shell, Unity now it fails to give a sense of comfort.

FAQ about Unity

1. Is Unity will use the Global Menu?
Yes. Ubuntu will use the Global Menu. Global Menu is a menu that runs the application will blend with the top panel.

2. Is Unity Launcher will be able to perform Auto Hide?
Yes. As in the Gnome 2 where the panel up / down to the auto hide, then Unity will also be able to do it.

3. Does Unity support ALT + Tab?

4. Is Unity will be able to use Gnome Applets?
No. And Gnome Shell was not.

5. Does Unity will have a different theme?
Not yet decided, but the intention is already there.

6. Whether the user can select the Desktop in addition to Unity?
Yes. If the hardware does not support Unity (3D), the available options Gnome Desktop (2D).

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Previously i want to talk about how to Utilize Runonreceive on Gammu for SMS Autoreply, this tutorial uses gammu 1.27.1990 version of Windows because a lot of tutorials – tutorials that are created when using gammu old version so it can not run when using a newer version of gammu. Gammu is very easy to use and supports many features that can be used, support for various kinds of mobile phones is also very good, not to mention the GPL license that made me fall in love with gammu:)

There are many options when we want to create applications that can autoreply SMS Gateway. Mas Stieven Kalengkian offer approach using task scheduler on windows, while mas Rosihan Ari offer approach by using the php file that runs in a browser. They can walk with the pros and cons – each. If we use the task scheduler on windows, then the checks can only be done for the time that has been set. If we add a batch file in the scheduler every minute it seems it is less effective because it is not real time and it also adds to the burden on the server side. On the other hand, if we use a browser that will run the php file to refresh a few seconds it’s also very burdensome than browser side, not to mention spent a lot of memory on the browser. Things – things like a separate issue instead?

I try to offer a better approach, namely by utilizing features on file smsdrc runonreceive exist in gammu. How does it work? Okay, I assume gammurc file is configured. Next we open the file smsdrc, then we will find the following lines:

We activate the option runonreceive we fill with a batch file

Next we need to create a batch file that will execute the php file that will create autoreply. We can use the php CLI in the file exec.bat.

Okay, batch file has finished running and smsdrc configuration is complete. Autoreply should have been able to walk, now we just need to make proses.php file that will send automatic replies when there is incoming sms.

When everything is ready, we just run it by default Gammu service via the following command:

Then we try to send an SMS, what happens next? If you find that your SMS reply means you have successfully implemented runonreceive on Gammu. If not? please try again tutorial above how to Utilize Runonreceive on Gammu for SMS Autoreply

Hopefully helpful

source: imedia.web.id


What is the Differences and Advantages Shared Server and Dedicated Server ? Perhaps many who already know the differences and advantages, but still hesitate when choosing who is most fit to be home hosting. In this post I will discuss about the two types of servers that are generally provided by every web hosting service.

When we rent a place to blog and our website in a web hosting service, we generally have 2 choices – rent a shared server or dedicated server. If you choose shared hosting / server (or so-called virtual hosting) then the website or blog to share space with other websites. But if we choose a dedicated server, then we will be given full authority to control all the servers without sharing with other websites and network connections entirely, but of course the price is much more expensive dedicated servers.

Shared server is much cheaper than a dedicated server. Shared servers generally do not need technical skills tenants, because the overall technical problems handled by the Admin server. Therefore, shared servers are often the best choice for websites that have a medium-scale business with the amount of traffic that is not too high.

While shared servers are good for websites that have a medium-scale businesses, but the shared server is not a good choice for large businesses that have high traffic. For those dedicated servers are a must!

Like I said before that the dedicated server is much more expensive than Shared servers, dedicated servers also require technical expertise to operate it. If your site generate thousands of dollars a day from e-commerce and of course your business will lose money if the server you are using DOWN for one or two days, then you should consider switching to a dedicated server. Below are the reasons why you should use a dedicated server:

Server Response Times and Site Traffic Management:

Server response times (response time from the server) on shared hosting is affected by the condition of other websites that share a server with you. Server response time will be affected by any interference from other websites. For example, if another site suddenly got an unexpected high traffic. This disorder is beyond your control as a user of a shared server. But if you use a dedicated server, you are in control to manage it, plan it, so it can raise the level of traffic and other things that cannot be done in shared server users.

Flexibility and Software:

If you use shared servers then you have limited privileges on the operating system, software applications are also limited extent provided by your web hosting. But if you want to control yourself, customize your own e-commerce or database applications you will need a dedicated server.


If then your site grow and become big, of course, will increase the number of traffic and applications that you need to overcome it becomes mandatory, then you should upgrade your server. If the server you are using is a shared server then the option to upgrade is limited. Upgrades will be given a limited enlargement of the amount of disk space, and that’s it! But you cannot upgrade the hard drive, Ram processors, and platform or application software. But if you use a dedicated server, you can do it all!

Security Level:

Information and files that you put in the shared servers generally do not have a strong security level compared to a dedicated server. Even a dedicated server has its own firewall. If you store confidential and sensitive information, then a strong security level has become imperative.

That’s a little review about the Differences and Advantages Shared Server and Dedicated server.


You all ever make a form to display or record a very large load on the grid for example in a grid have to load about 4 -10 million records? Sure enough khan also troublesome, especially for application performance. First saia already done it with TrueDBGrid (time still use VB6) which should load the millions of records into a single grid, it is quite risky for the performance … fortunately still helped with data retrieval model is asyncfect ado … But still a big risk for application performance, not to mention if the application is multiuser … can be more severe.

It turns out the solution of that is using paging in the DataAdapter or the Stored Procedure (TableAdapter).

With this technique application performance is getting good, safe and stable.

Here paging technique using Table Adapter (Stored Procedure) in VB.Net:

Ok … first we make the stored procedurenya first. This procedure Storde who do paging. It also used a new feature in SQL Server 2005 is the Common Table Expression (CTE) that we can use to create a virtual table (create table on the fly).

Used the AdventureWorks database, table table Production.Product

  1. Make stored procedure
  2. After that create a design form as below (label, numericupdown, Button, DataGridView)
  3. Add TableAdapter with a click on the Data menu> Add New Data Source, select Database as its DataSource object … After that, select Stored Procedure that have been made over … then the result will be creating a dataset with a TableAdapter
  4. Now we began to make his code. Add this code within the Form class is used:

  5. After that we will add a function to calculate the total number of records that exist in that table by using Partial Class. We will extend the TableAdapter class that has been generated at the top.

Download source code :

Here paging technique using Data Adapter in VB.Net:

  1. You create a Windows application project templates
  2. Add textbox control, numericupdown, buttons, the GridView, the label
  3. Add code like the following:

    Source code:

source: newbiebanget


This time i want to talk about Creating Applications on Android, iPhone, iPad Using Visual Basic (NS BASIC),because recently released NS BASIC Corporation NS Basic / App Studio, which is a rapid application development tools. Which is almost similar to Visual Basic to look and feelnya. The goal is for developing your Desktop application, Web, iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

For those of you who are not interested in objective C or Java tutorial, Visual Basic developers can now easily develop applications on the iPhone, and Android IPad.

NS Basic / App Studio is the modern implementation of BASIC, with subroutines, user defined data types and event driven execution is proper. Development environment running on the Windows desktop.

Here or features:

# Targets iPhone, iPad, iTouch, Android etc..
# Fully featured, structured BASIC
# Performance is very good is a BASIC-fastest ever released.
# Implementing a subset of Microsoft Visual BASIC, with the mobile device extensions.
# Math and trigonometric functions
# SQLite Support
# Geolocation and Google Maps
# Support HTML5 features
# Royalty free distribution

Download Trial version

So little discussion about Creating Applications on Android, iPhone, iPad Using Visual Basic (NS BASIC)!


To optimize our blog, here are tips for posting an article that we can quickly indexed in Google, Among them are as follows:

1. Original Content

Please note that articles from the copy and paste very big impact on search engine, if we’re not good at good at copy and paste technique is certainly able to enter the Google Sandbox, and when it entered the Google sandbox do not expect to be read or indexed by search engines other than Google, it took a while to get rid of the Google sandbox if we do not know the technique. So better try what we post is purely the result of typing or writing our own hands, despite what we post it already been written by someone else?

2. Use Meta Tags

Two things are most important in the use of meta tags, namely Blog Description and Keyword, of these two things if it is fulfilled I feel I have enough, the important thing is not until there is a similarity between the title of the blog with a description of her blog, because it can cause our blogs are considered spam, such as I have never experienced.

3. Registering On Search Engine Blog

Register with our blog on search engines is excellent tips on appeal the use of meta tags, because if we had enrolled our blog on search engines is a lot we can certainly blog indexed, in this case simply register on the three search engines alone is more than enough, namely on the Google Webmaster Yahoo and MSN or Bing Webmaster

4. Wearing Sitemap

Sitemaps are also very necessary for all articles that we post can be indexed by search engines, so at the time of registering our blog on the search engines do not forget to enter our blog sitemap. Sitemap in Webmaster tools, then there is a submit sitemap.

5. Blog Ping service

If this is the article that we post want more quickly, then we also need to use the ping tool for our blogs including my regular use is Technorati.com, Google ping, Ping Yahoo and there are two more complete tool ping service that is more to do are pingomatic and Pingoat.

Similarly, SEO Tips for articles that we post quickly indexed, it is important we continue the spirit of trying, hopefully with a little SEO Tips, the blog quickly indexed by Google.

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